Month: January 2022

‘Vikalp Helpline’ helps survivors of domestic violence and sexual and reproductive health challenges.

Read how Shamina, a domestic violence survivor fulfill her calling by working as a councellor with the Vikalp helpline

I, Shamina, am working with Vikalp Helpline as a counsellor. This helpline provides information & counselling to girls and women facing domestic violence as well as information on sexual and reproductive health.
I am a domestic violence survivor. I was beaten by my in-laws a few years into my marriage. I had no support from my family and I was afraid to voice my concerns. I was unaware of any legal recourse possible to combat this abuse.  I often wondered how many women like me go through this each day. Since then, I decided I will work for an organization that helps women and young girls raise their voices against sexual harassment and domestic violence. Today under the Vikalp Helpline, I counsel so many young girls and women every day. They share their anguish, emotions and worries. I counsel them to speak out and voice their concerns, provide legal-related information. This helpline has empowered me to help others in every possible way. Many women who I have counselled through our helpline, have called back and shared positive results. I feel so happy that I managed to help them and make them stronger. Talking to these survivors and helping them out gives me a sense of peace and relief that I can fight my own battles.

Initially, we worked offline, maintaining case documents, pulling up old files for follow-ups etc., but with Intelehealth’s support, our work is now hassle-free, we save a lot of time in making notes instead we just feed in the information on the app and can access any document with just a touch of a button or screen. I am grateful to the people who have launched this helpline; it is a dream come true. Today, I am a much stronger woman than ever. I urge survivors of domestic violence and sexual harassment, to call on the helpline (1800-309-4120) and seek support. You are not alone, we are here to listen to you and help you in every possible way.

Shamina spreading awareness about Vikalp Helpline in Udaipur
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Arogya Sampada – A COVID19 care & Information related to Covid vaccination helpline

I am a resident of Parbhani district in Maharashtra. My close relatives were due to take their first vaccination dose but few days before their vaccination, they showed Covid-19 symptoms. On testing, their results came positive. They completed their 14 day quarantine period and were curious to know when it would be possible for them to take their vaccination. I helped them in finding out on the internet, but there were different reports about vaccination post covid. This led to a lot of confusion and they were not sure about getting vaccinated.
Around this time we found out about Arogya Sampada, a free teleconsultation helpline  launched by Intelehealth for COVID-19 and vaccine related queries. We called the helpline and then we were connected to their remote doctor. The doctor guided us and gave us authentic information where we decided to follow his advice.
“We thank Intelehealth and their initiative for setting up this helpline which helped us in connecting with doctors and clearing all out doubts I would recommend citizens to use Intelehealth’s helpline services for authentic information”

Pankaj Ghodke (Resident of Parbhani district,
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Together we can make telemedicine reach the last mile

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Together we can make telemedicine reach the last mile

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Together we can make telemedicine reach the last mile

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World Economic Forum – These 15 innovations are helping us fight COVID-19 and its aftermath

The world needs more ideas to address the immediate impacts of COVID-19 and its long-term consequences.

Image: REUTERS/Phil Noble – RC2A6I9OAYDW

Andrin Schwere

Topic Curator, UpLink, World Economic Forum Geneva

This article is part of:Pioneers of Change Summit
The COVID-19 pandemic has put approximately a third of the global population into quarantine and impacted billions of lives around the world.
The World Economic Forum’s UpLink platform has announced its first cohort of COVID innovators, 15 solutions addressing the immediate and long-term challenges of the COVID crisis.
Innovations from 5 continents tackle a range of challenges, from making healthcare and emergency services more accessible, to increasing the inclusivity of the labour market and financial lending systems in the post-COVID era.
UpLink’s COVID Challenges were launched in collaboration with its Impact Partners, the World Health Organization, Goldman Sachs Foundation, 500 Startups, Top Tier Impact, Impact Africa Network, Village Capital, and the Global Education & Leadership Foundation.

The COVID-19 pandemic has put one third of the global population into lockdown, brought industries and economies to a standstill and placed immense strain on health systems all over the world. At the same time, worldwide demonstrations and protests have called for equality across society, reduced economic disparities, and greater inclusion.

In recent weeks, UpLink – a digital platform for surfacing and scaling innovations that could solve some of the world’s most pressing challenges – has been sourcing solutions that address the immediate impacts of the pandemic and its long-term consequences, which are much needed but yet often remain unidentified and unsupported.

All solutions submitted on UpLink have been carefully reviewed and assessed by a high-level group of experts from the World Economic Forum’s public health, impact investor, international organisation and civil society networks to elect the first UpLink cohort of 15 innovators.

The World Economic Forum and UpLink will work extensively with this group of innovators over the next months to scale their impact, promote their work on our social media platforms, present them at our events and introduce them to experts and potential funders who can accelerate their ideas.

UpLink is on a mission to surface and accelerate innovators from around the world. Here are the first UpLink COVID cohort who have answered the call:

Intelehealth is a telemedicine and case management platform connecting patients and frontline health providers with remote doctors to deliver high quality health services to last mile populations.

Flare provides the ‘next generation 911’ for the billions of people around the world who do not have access to help during an emergency.

Quartolio streams research insights from millions of medical and scientific documents in real-time to allow researchers to respond accurately to current and future health crisis.

PanaBIOS is a pan-African reopening digital platform to boost the continent’s long-term recovery from the effects of the pandemic by restoring cross-border travel through digital health clearance, building an electronic vaccine registry and a continental disease hotspot early-warning radar.

Elemeno Express is a cloud-based solution that delivers bite-sized information directly to frontline teams on any device, desktop or mobile.

PEGASI is making medical information accessible, clear and useful for clinicians and patients in the developing world, while tracking epidemic and endemic diseases and creating actionable insights that strengthen healthcare systems.

NEO by PhysioQ is a free platform that allows users to monitor the vital signs of family members and friends via affordable wearable devices.

Medixus is a secure, specialist peer-to-peer African medical community that uses an app to centralize medical knowledge to improve clinical decision making and capacity building.

Carbon Health is a primary care provider delivering a premium experience through its modern clinics and virtual care, making world-class healthcare accessible for everyone.

HelloBetter strives to deliver on the promise that mental health is a human right, by making evidence-based mental healthcare universally accessible and providing digital therapeutics for mental health disorders.

Covoucher is Turkey’s first digital voucher platform to support small businesses at the local level during the COVID-19 pandemic. It provides them with cash liquidity and financial sustainability, bringing together small business owners and their frequent customers in an online platform.

Mujeres WOW is an AI-based lending and credit scoring platform targeting female entrepreneurs.

JOWOMO helps companies that have been hit by the COVID crisis by providing an online platform that allows the flexible exchange of employees and a socially more efficient distribution of labour.

origintrail provides certified medical equipment needed to prevent and control COVID-19 and future outbreaks. The tool applies accountability to supply chains and prevents the sale of fake goods.

Desolenator helps remote communities build sustainable water resilience in the face of climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic by using solar panels to purify water.

View the original article here

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