Health workers

Use of the standard data collection protocols; use of technology and basic skills such as bedside manner, hygiene and communication skills.


Remote diagnosis, effective communication over telemedicine; patient safety in telemedicine and the use of technology.

Supervisory staff

Use of software for administration; patient safety in telemedicine.

Project leadership

Digital Health program design, operations and planning for scale.

Clinical Training

Strengthening clinical knowledge of health workers for strong implementation

Field level workers are employed from a network of local residents who can read, write, and on some training, can use a smartphone (and the internet) to the tune of uploading and downloading cases. These workers are like the ASHA workers of the government of India. They upload case files and do the necessary backend for the patients that doctors treat. Field level workers do not have any basic clinical skills. They are given an orientation to basic anatomy and physiology to the tune of what’s taught in schools, so that they understand the importance of their activities and are careful while noting and uploading details. At the same time, they’re also taught how to measure vitals. Since the case details are incorporated directly into the app, there’s no need to teach history taking.

The steps of training :
  1. Task analysis: A careful listing of all the activities (they would be required to perform in the project) is done and a task analysis is performed to understand what they would need to perform and what clinical training is needed.
  2. A training needs assessment is done on the basis of task analysis of the first training and the lacuna in performance that is identified during supervision.
  3. The knowledge and skill components are identified.
  4. They’re also taught how to measure vitals.
  1. Training sessions are planned, with test practices performed on dummies (or each other), and a final check on checklists is done before being taken to clinical immersion where the field workers take on real-time cases.
  2. Evaluation of knowledge components is done through pre and post tests.
  3. Evaluation of skill components is done through checklists.
  4. The necessary on-the-job training is imparted through supervision.

Technical Training

Capacity building for technical skills of health worker

In addition to providing software, we also provide critical training required for all stakeholders; including health workers, doctors, supervisory staff and the project leadership. Health workers are employed from local residents and have been identified as those who can use a basic smartphone. They have also been trained in the usage of smartphones and the requisite troubleshooting steps before they commence the Intelehealth application training. Doctors also attend tech training for a doctor’s portal which provides them with vast insights into the usage of the aforementioned portal for the patients.

The steps of training :

A hands-on training is provided to the health workers which teaches them how to use the Intelehealth application.

  1. Demo cases are provided to the health workers so that they can practice in the training environment.
  2. An evaluation of the skill component is done based on pre and post tests.
  3. The health workers are also giving training for the necessary troubleshooting steps of the application.
Health workers: Use of the standard data collection protocols; use of technology and basic skills such as bedside manner, hygiene and communication skills. Doctors: Remote diagnosis, effective communication over telemedicine; patient safety in telemedicine and the use of technology. Supervisory staff: Use of software for administration; patient safety in telemedicine. Project leadership: Digital Health program design, operations and planning for scale.

Infection Prevention & Control (IPC) Training

Training on Addressing the issue of Vaccine Hesitancy with NGOs

Santoshi Nag
Health worker eSanjeevani, Jharkhand
Initially during the clinical and tech training provided by the Intelehealth team was difficult to understand and grasp but due to rigorous practice , today I have managed to conduct around 1250 consultations. Whenever I find any difficulty in uploading the patient history on the app, the Intelehealth team has responded to my query and resolved the issue immediately. I thank the Intelehealth team for conducting a thorough training and practice sessions.

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