Month: December 2021

Atal Incubation Centre incubates Intelehealth

Intelehealth incubated in Atal Incubation Centre. “Intelehealth is a telemedicine platform that enables NGOs & Govt agencies in deploying health workers & doctors to deliver high-quality health services”

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My TeleDoc – Providing primary and specialised healthcare at Health & Wellness Centre, Morbi, Gujarat


1) Komal Agrawat is working as a Community Health Officer (CHOs) in Tankara block, Morbi district, Gujarat under Intelehealth’s telemedicine program. This program was launched in collaboration with Morbi District Health Authorities to provide the rural population with quality healthcare services through Telemedicine.
With the rising Covid-19 cases, Komal shifted her focus to the vaccination drive and treating COVID-19 patients. Due to this shift in focus, she was unable to treat patients at the Health & Wellness centre for almost a month. Komal was worried about high-risk pregnant women and on Mamta diwas, she decided to visit six high-risk pregnant women and treat those who needed immediate medical attention. She examined these patients using ‘My Teledoc’ app that was implemented in collaboration with Intelehealth and Morbi Health department to treat patients.
As Komal visited their homes, she realized most of these high-risk pregnant women were from the Muslim community and due to Ramdan, these women were unable to step out of their homes and visit hospitals for treatment.
Komal said, “As we visited their homes, we could see the smiles on their faces. They were relieved and happy to receive treatment within the confines of their homes.”
Despite having a heavy workload due to vaccination and attending to COVID-19 patients, Komal ensured that she pro-actively provided quality healthcare services to pregnant women and patients with other illnesses.
Komal has set an example to the community by providing continuous guidance and health services to the people who are in dire need of quality healthcare.
Komal Agrawat (Identity changed) Community Health Officer, Morbi, Gujarat
2) Dhruvisha Damodia, a Community Health Officer (CHO) in Maliya district, Morbi, Gujarat, has been treating patients at Chhatar Health and Wellness Centres (HWCs) under Intelehealth & Morbi Health department, Telemedicine program. With the surge in Covid-19 cases, Dhruvisha had to immediately start seeing Covid-19 patients for further treatment but she was concerned about pregnant women who needed urgent care and assistance and hence she decided to devote her time to both Covid patients and pregnant women who needed immediate medical assistance.
During the surge in COVID cases, Dhruvisha diagnosed a nine-month-pregnant woman with a very low hemoglobin level and provided medical assistance with the help of ‘My Teledoc’ app for necessary diagnosis and prescribed medicines. ‘My Teledoc’ app was implemented in collaboration with Intelehealth and Morbi Health department to treat patients at nearby HWC by frontline health workers. 
When asked what were the challenges she faced during these trying times, Dhruvisha replied: “We have to save two lives” one of a mother and the other of a child. So no matter how difficult the times are, we will not fail to serve the needy although we are burdened with vaccination drive, COVID testing and other health services
Dhruvisha has set an example to the community by providing continuous guidance and health services to the people who are in dire need of quality healthcare.
Dhruvisha Damodia, (right) Community Health Officer (CHO) in Maliya district, Morbi, Gujarat
3) Sharmin & Bhavna work as Community Health Officers (CHOs) in Tankara block, Morbi district, Gujarat under Intelehealth’s telemedicine program. This program is launched in collaboration with the District Health Authorities of Morbi to provide quality healthcare services for the rural population through telemedicine. Bhavna is focused on treating migrant families’ especially pregnant women who need special attention.

However, with an alarming rise in COVID cases, Bhavna and Sharmin immediately shifted their focus on treating COVID-19 patients. Despite having a load of vaccination and attending to COVID-19 patients, Sharmin & Bhavna ensured they also pro-actively provide quality healthcare services to pregnant women and patients with other illnesses.
Sharmin and Bhavna also saw pregnant women at their homes who feared visiting government hospitals & Primary Health Centres due to contracting the virus. While making these house visits they ensured complete precautions like social distancing, hand-washing and wearing masks. Sharmin and Bhavan have in total attended 72 patients with the help of Intelehealth’s telemedicine app (MyTeledoc).
Thus, Bhavana & Sharmin have set examples of being true front-line warriors during these tough times. We salute their dedication and tireless efforts in treating the rural population, fulfilling our mission in serving the last mile population.

Sharmin Sherasiya (Extreme left) – Community Health Officer, Morbi, Gujarat
4) Taiyaba Badi, a Community Health Officer (CHO) in Tankara district, Morbi, Gujarat, has been treating patients at Health and Wellness Centres under Intelehealth & Morbi Health department, Telemedicine program. With the surge in Covid-19 cases, Taiyababen had to immediately start seeing Covid-19 patients for further treatment but she was concerned about pregnant women who could not step out of their homes fearing the rise in Covid cases and so she decided to devote her time to both Covid patients and pregnant women who needed immediate medical assistance.
One such High-risk pregnant woman visited Taiyababen and complained of fever, abdominal pain and frequent urination. Taiyababen identified that the patient needed immediate attention and referred the case to a remote doctor through MyTeleDoc, a telemedicine app. The doctor prescribed the necessary treatment and medication. Taiyababen then shared the treatment plan and prescription with the patient and advised her for the next follow-up.
Taiyababen has set an example to the community by providing continuous guidance and health services to the people who are in dire need of quality healthcare.
Taiyaba Badi (Extreme Left) – Community Health Officer, Morbi, Gujarat
5) 28-year-old Vimla (name changed), is a tribal migrant agricultural laborer, seasonally employed in Bangavadi village in the Tankara block of Morbi, Gujarat. A few weeks ago, she had developed a serious reproductive tract infection and was dire in need of special medical attention which was not available at medical facilities in the vicinity. The district health facility at Morbi or Rajkot is 50 km away. Her make-shift shelter near the farm is outside the main village, reaching there means walking down a few kilometers on foot. Due to geographic, financial, and social constraints, she was forced to visit local quacks to treat her infection.
As days passed, her condition worsened leading to loss of wages. Such infections, if not treated timely lead to complications like ectopic pregnancy, sterility, and even life-threatening peritonitis. Her condition required specialist medical attention.
Around the same time, the Mobi district administration with Intelehealth launched MyTeledoc, a telemedicine project to connect CHOs with doctors and specialists. Vimla came to know of this through her ASHA and she visited HWC where the CHO examined her and recorded her symptoms on MyTeledoc platform. Her case was seen by a specialist gynecologist, and she was provided with the right treatment plan and medication at no cost. With this timely and accurate medical intervention through telemedicine, Vimla has completed her treatment and has fully recovered without having to travel to far-off health facilities.
Intelehealth program and field managers visited Vimla (second from left) at her house
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